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Three years ago today I set out on a journey of the unknown. I moved to Los Angeles from New York with the hopes of finding myself. I was scared and nervous, but also extremely excited. With all the dreams and goals I boarded the plane with, I never could’ve predicted the turn of events that have occurred over these three years.
When I first moved I felt lost. I had no plan, no job, no apartment, and practically no money (like, $100 in my bank account no money). What I did have was ambition, and an able body and mind. I’ve had some of my highest highs and lowest lows while living here, but the lessons I’ve learned are priceless. In an effort to keep this a positive post, I want to focus on all the great things that have happened.
To start, I accomplished my childhood dream, and 2017’s resolution to move to LA within 23 days of the New Year. I had always said when I was little I wanted to move back (I moved to NJ with my family when I was in 2nd grade) and it felt great to make that dream in itself come true.
Three months in, I was paid to make an appearance on Million Dollar Matchmaker (Patti Stanger's reboot of her once popular show, Millionaire Matchmaker)
Six months after moving here I became a vegan and started actively caring about the environment, and it’s made me feel fulfilled in ways I didn’t know I could be
In the fall of my first year, I started my advice column on StyleCaster and have been able to help trans women all over the world feel better about themselves
I’ve met and made friends that I’ll have for the rest of my life
I started to assimilate myself further into the transgender community for the first time, and met so many amazing trans people who’ve taught me invaluable lessons about what it truly means to be a man and woman.